1. **补肾益精**:枸杞具有补肾益精的作用,常用于治疗肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣等症状。
2. **明目养神**:枸杞中含有丰富的胡萝卜素和维生素A,对保护视力、改善视力模糊有积极作用。
3. **增强免疫力**:枸杞富含多种维生素和微量元素,能够增强人体的免疫力,提高抵抗力。
4. **软化血管**:枸杞中的抗氧化物质有助于软化血管,对预防心血管疾病有一定的帮助。
5. **抗炎解热**:枸杞具有抗炎作用,可以缓解因炎症引起的发热、疼痛等症状。
6. **延缓衰老**:枸杞中的抗氧化物质能够清除体内的自由基,从而延缓细胞衰老,有助于保持年轻状态。
7. **提高性功能**:对于因肾虚引起的性功能障碍,枸杞有一定的改善作用。
8. **调节内分泌**:枸杞有助于调节人体的内分泌系统,对缓解因内分泌失调引起的症状有一定效果。
9. **改善贫血**:枸杞可以改善贫血症状,对于缺铁性贫血有一定的辅助治疗作用。
10. **美容养颜**:枸杞中的营养成分有助于改善皮肤状况,减少皱纹,延缓皮肤衰老。
### 杏果的健康益处:
1. **富含维生素和矿物质**:杏果含有丰富的维生素A、维生素C和钾等矿物质,这些营养素对于维持视力、免疫系统和心脏健康至关重要。
2. **抗氧化作用**:杏果中含有多种抗氧化剂,如类黄酮和维生素E,它们可以帮助抵抗自由基,减少氧化应激,降低患慢性疾病的风险。
3. **促进消化**:杏果中含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善消化功能,预防便秘。
4. **有助于控制血糖**:杏果的血糖生成指数(GI)较低,适量食用可以帮助控制血糖水平,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助控制作用。
5. **降低心血管疾病风险**:杏果中的抗氧化剂和纤维可以帮助降低血液中的胆固醇水平,从而降低心血管疾病的风险。
6. **改善皮肤健康**:维生素A对于维护皮肤健康非常重要,杏果中的维生素A可以帮助保持皮肤的水分和弹性。
### 杏果的潜在影响:
1. **过敏反应**:对于一些对杏果或其他水果过敏的人来说,食用杏果可能会引起过敏反应,如皮疹、瘙痒或消化不良。
2. **血糖影响**:虽然杏果有助于控制血糖,但过量食用可能会对血糖水平产生不利影响,尤其是对于血糖控制不佳的人群。
3. **消化不适**:由于杏果中含有较多的纤维,过量食用可能会导致消化不良、腹胀或腹泻。
4. **热量摄入**:杏果含有一定的糖分和热量,过量食用可能会导致体重增加。
1. **补血活血**:红糖含有丰富的铁质,有助于补血,同时具有活血化瘀的作用,适合女性月经不调、经痛等情况。
2. **滋肾养胃**:黑木耳具有滋肾养胃的功效,对于胃部不适、消化不良有一定的缓解作用。
3. **降低血脂**:黑木耳含有抗凝血和降血脂成分,有助于预防心血管疾病。
4. **抗氧化**:黑木耳和红糖都具有一定的抗氧化作用,有助于抵抗自由基,延缓衰老。
5. **润肺补脑**:黑木耳具有润肺补脑的功效,对于提高记忆力、改善呼吸系统疾病有一定帮助。
6. **美容养颜**:红糖有助于改善肤色,促进皮肤细胞代谢,而黑木耳中的植物碱可以帮助清除体内垃圾,使皮肤更加光滑。
7. **提高免疫力**:黑木耳中的多糖成分有助于提高人体免疫力。
8. **消化系统保健**:黑木耳的吸附作用有助于清理胃肠道,对胆结石、肾结石有一定的化解作用。
9. **缓解疲劳**:红糖中的葡萄糖、果糖等单糖和多糖类能量物质,可以为身体提供能量,缓解疲劳。
10. **调经止痛**:对于女性来说,红糖水在经期前后饮用有助于缓解经痛,使月经更加顺畅。
1. **预防心血管疾病**:月桂酸富含的不饱和脂肪酸有助于降低血液中的胆固醇水平,从而预防心血管疾病。
2. **抗病毒、抗菌、抗真菌**:月桂酸具有强大的抗菌、抗病毒和抗真菌作用,能够抵抗多种细菌、病毒和真菌感染。
3. **增强免疫力**:月桂酸能够提高人体的免疫力,帮助身体抵御疾病。
4. **促进消化**:月桂酸有助于改善消化系统的健康,促进肠道蠕动,缓解便秘。
5. **提高儿童奶粉质量**:月桂酸常用于儿童奶粉的生产中,能够提高产品的质量,有助于儿童的成长发育。
6. **改善皮肤健康**:月桂酸具有清洁皮肤的作用,能够去除皮肤表面的油脂和污物,减少毛孔堵塞,对于油性皮肤尤为适用。
7. **提高烘焙食品品质**:月桂酸常用于烘焙食品的生产,可以改善米面制品的品质,使其更加美味。
8. **延长食品保质期**:月桂酸具有防腐作用,可以用于肉制品、乳制品及果蔬产品的防腐保鲜,延长产品的保质期。
9. **制作洗涤剂和肥皂**:月桂酸可用于制作洗涤剂和肥皂,具有清洁皮肤和杀菌的作用。
1. **营养价值丰富**:春笋含有充足的水分、丰富的植物蛋白以及钙、磷、铁等人体必需的营养成分和微量元素。特别是纤维素含量很高,有助于促进消化和预防便秘。
2. **提高免疫力**:春笋中大豆蛋白、维生素及营养元素的成分较高,有利于提高机体的免疫功能,增强预防疾病和抗病的能力。
3. **健脾开胃**:春笋特有的芳香具有健脾开胃、促消化的功效,对消化不良、脘痞纳呆等症状有一定的缓解作用。
4. **祛毒祛痰**:春笋味甘,性生寒,适合孕期上火或咳嗽有痰的准妈妈食用,有助于清热去火,祛痰止咳。
5. **静心排热**:春笋被称为“身体废弃物的清洗剂”,在夏季尤其适合食用,有助于缓解怀孕期间手足心热、心烦意乱等症状。
6. **激发脑力**:春笋的皮和创口处出现的乳白色粉末状物质是一种称为色氨酸的蛋白结晶体,有助于激发抗压强度和脑力。
7. **降三高**:春笋具有低糖、低热量的特性,含有纤维材料,有助于减少身体不必要的脂肪、祛痰化瘀滞、治疗高血压、高血脂、高血糖,并对消化系统癌症及乳腺癌有一定的预防作用。
8. **宽胸利膈、润肠通便**:春笋生津润通利,其中的纤维材料能提升肠胃水分的贮留量,推动肠胃蠕动,减少肠内压力,降低排泄物黏度,有助于治疗便秘,预防直肠癌。
1. **润肠通便**:无花果酒中的脂肪酶、水解酶等成分有助于降低血脂,减少脂肪在血管内的沉积,从而有助于减少便秘的发生。
2. **降血压、预防冠心病**:无花果酒中的脂肪酶、水解酶等成分能够降低血脂和分解血脂,有助于预防冠心病。
3. **促进消化,增强食欲**:无花果酒含有苹果酸、柠檬酸等有机酸,能够刺激食欲,帮助消化。
4. **抗炎消肿**:无花果酒具有抗炎消肿的功效,对于咽炎、喉痛等有一定的缓解作用。
5. **润肺利咽**:无花果酒能够润肺利咽,对于治疗喉咙痛、声音嘶哑等症状有一定帮助。
6. **保护血管**:无花果酒中的成分有助于提高高密度脂蛋白胆固醇,降低甘油三酯水平,从而保护血管健康。
7. **控制体重**:适量饮用无花果酒有助于控制体重,因为其含有多种脂类,能够提供饱腹感。
8. **提高免疫力、抑癌抗瘤**:无花果酒中的活性成分如补骨脂素、佛柑内酯等,以及成熟果实的果汁中提取的芳香物质苯甲醛,具有防癌抗癌、增强机体抗病能力的作用。
9. **美容养颜**:无花果酒中的成分有助于抗衰老,保持皮肤弹性,从而达到美容养颜的效果。
10. **调节血糖**:无花果酒在治疗糖尿病方面也有一定作用,能够降低血糖。
1. **中医理论依据**:在中医理论中,湿气被认为是导致多种疾病的根源之一。中医认为,湿气过重会导致身体出现疲倦、消化不良、水肿、肌肤问题等症状。因此,通过排湿汤来调和体内湿气,是中医治疗湿气重相关病症的一种方式。
2. **食材选择**:排湿汤的食材通常包括具有祛湿功效的中草药和食物,如生姜、红豆、薏仁、玉米须、赤小豆、茯苓、白术等。这些食材在中医中都有一定的祛湿效果。
3. **神奇疗效**:
– **缓解身体不适**:排湿汤可以缓解因湿气过重引起的身体疲倦、消化不良、肌肤问题等症状。
– **改善代谢**:生姜、红豆等食材可以帮助提高新陈代谢,促进体内湿气的排出。
– **促进血液循环**:通过促进血液循环,排湿汤有助于减少湿气在体内的积聚,改善血液循环不畅的问题。
– **增强免疫力**:一些具有祛湿功效的食材,如薏仁、玉米须等,还具有增强免疫力的作用。
4. **注意事项**:
– **个人体质**:排湿汤的效果因人而异,不同体质的人可能需要调整食材和用量。
– **饮食调整**:在服用排湿汤的同时,应注意饮食清淡,避免过多油腻、生冷食物,以免加重湿气。
– **长期调理**:排湿汤作为一种食疗方法,需要长期坚持才能达到最佳效果。
1. **丰富的蛋白质**:扇贝肉含有高质量的蛋白质,对于维持和修复身体各组织具有重要作用。蛋白质是身体细胞的重要组成部分,对肌肉生长、皮肤修复等生理功能至关重要。
2. **维生素和矿物质**:扇贝肉富含维生素B12、铜、锌、硒等矿物质。维生素B12对于红细胞的生成和神经系统健康至关重要;铜有助于铁的吸收和利用,对形成血红蛋白有重要作用;锌则参与免疫系统的调节和伤口愈合;硒是一种强大的抗氧化剂,有助于防止细胞损伤。
3. **不饱和脂肪酸**:扇贝肉中的EPA和DHA等不饱和脂肪酸对于心脏健康十分有益。它们可以降低胆固醇,减少心脏病和中风的风险。
4. **低脂肪低热量**:扇贝肉脂肪含量较低,热量也相对较少,对于控制体重和控制饮食的人来说,是一种理想的食物选择。
5. **增强体质与美容养颜**:扇贝肉中含有的营养成分有助于增强体质,改善体寒、血淤等问题。对于女性来说,扇贝肉还富含维生素E,有助于预防皮肤衰老和美白皮肤。
6. **孕妇的益处**:孕妇在不过敏且没有脾胃虚寒、腹泻的情况下,适量食用扇贝肉是有益的。扇贝肉中的微量元素对胎儿发育有积极作用,但需注意不要过量食用。
7. **对糖尿病患者的益处**:扇贝肉中含有的硒元素对于调节糖代谢有重要作用,有助于糖尿病患者维持血糖水平。
8. **烹饪的多样性与便利性**:扇贝肉既适合做汤、蒸菜,也适合爆炒,烹饪方式多样,便于家庭制作。冷冻扇贝肉在解冻后清洗和烹饪也相对方便。
9. **健康烹饪方式**:在烹饪扇贝肉时,应选择健康的烹饪方式,如蒸、煮、炒等,以充分发挥其营养价值。
The door has been opened to him.
Almost at random, one eye will be able to directly suppress a statue of ordinary God He, whose strength is still of the earth, and it is almost impossible for Xuan Huang to create a path before Fuxi, which is also a terrorist figure …
"Should I go to Fengqi Mountain to get some more tea?"
Fuxi wait for a while looked at his hands with his eyes open.
"Ha ha ha ….."
"Meowed … finally broke through …"
Fuxi, who felt that he was one, smiled and sobbed and shed tears.
No one knows how much pressure he has been under for years.
At the same time, there is this temptation!
He is a noble man, and his talent is extremely high.
If he wants to, he can understand the evolution of one side of the array and then March into the world.
Such a road can be expected!
He can also master the causal silk thread ditch by himself and become a miraculous causal fiend;
Cause and effect roads can be ranked in the top ten even in the three thousand source roads!
Even he still has hope, like his sister, to walk into the hall of high destiny with a natural numerology springboard;
Ask him to give up that obsession;
Want him to be able to give up other specialization, one of which is enough to enter the ranks of the top fiend in the universe!
Chapter 11 painstaking experience
Happy New Year to all of you.
Brother should take care of and protect sister!
This is the idea in Fuxi’s mind.
But because of this obsession, he is far behind his sister in repairing;
This is about taking care of your sister?
He was confused and confused …
Abandoning this unrealistic idea, whether it is the way of the world, the way of cause and effect or the way of fate, will enable you to protect your sister!
But what if others laugh at him and see him clearly?
Only the obsession in my heart is crazy to save the inside information-creating the inside information!
Until today …
Suddenly Fuxi got up and bowed respectfully to Yuan Heng in front.
"Thank the glorious Lord for pointing out grace!"
He received a gift calmly, which really deserved.
"Fuxi, what do you say?"
Nu Wa looked at Fuxi with a burst of joy. How could she not be obsessed with her brother? At this time once successful finally walked out of its own avenue and could not help but ask.
"The vast wilderness has a spiritual life and a general trend. This general trend is the gathering of the people!"
"And my way is this way of life!" Fuxi’s eyes are shining. "The whole life is heaven and earth. Take the road of heaven and earth for all beings, and I can connect hundreds of millions of mysterious things at will. My will is the whole life!"
"Now, when I come out of the palm of my hand, it is no longer a divinatory world, but a vast and wild force, which brings together the sum of all spirits, heaven and earth, and the road. Here is the road to life!"
"The way of life is really mysterious and unpredictable!"
Yuan Heng and Nu Wa admire in their hearts that this is the avenue created by Yuan Heng, who has spent many years and realized how much effort!
Fuxi seems to be quite simple to say, but if we can gather people, here is a university, which means Fuxi, who is proficient in cause and effect and strong in fate, can do it.
It can be said that it must be great wisdom and great will!
Yuanheng is a little white. Fuxi is a cosmic reincarnation. From the beginning of the day to the Great God of Yin and Yang, he was strangely involved in the Terran at that time, and then he proved the Holy Emperor.
Just coming here, Nojin Guan Dao just saw this scene, and the fire spread all over the sky again, and Nojin Guan Dao was short of breath and gushed out one mouthful blood. This is ammunition that was painstakingly transported from Japan, and the emperor should scrimp and save to buy it, so he should burn it and see your colleagues again!
Nojin Guan Dao flew up and kicked out the battalion chief of the trench camp more than two meters away and roared, "Waste Qing army has already transported artillery to your eyelids, and you have no notice at all! Don’t immediately organize a team to close the mountain and pay it quickly! "
The battalion chief also knows that he has made such a heavy mistake that the divisions have suffered serious losses. I’m afraid that if he receives it, he will be court-martialed. Even if he dies, he will kill this Qing army!
The battalion chief got up from the ground and growled and organized two squadrons to pounce on the hills where the shells came.
Nojin Guan ordered, "The 30th United Front will immediately close the mountain. If this Qing army cannot escape, it will be killed even if it is chased into the ghost gate!"
In the distance, Wu Peifu looked at the corners of the mouth of the trench camp to stir up a smile and ordered that "all personnel should immediately retreat and move closer to captain Zhang"
Many Cang Lang did not engage the Japanese army and turned into the jungle. By the time the Japanese army arrived, the figure had already disappeared.
It’s a great shame that a division of its own was attacked by a small group of Qing troops inexplicably, and the loss was so serious! Sixty-seven people were killed and forty-two soldiers were injured at all levels. One hundred and six people were injured and sixty people were injured. The loss of weapons and ammunition was not counted. The most distressing thing was that more than 60 officers were killed. These were all elites who were painstakingly trained by the empire. The most hateful thing was that the Japanese army didn’t find the shadow of the attack on the Qing army until dawn. They couldn’t travel so fast with artillery. All the official roads were searched again and again. I didn’t find a figure. Yejin Daoguan was exhausted. I didn’t think that this weapon was made by Zhang Yiqian. This thing was carried by a
Nojin Daoguan’s veins stood out and provoked Lao Gao to drop the battle report. He ordered, "Ordering Chai Tian Zhengxiao to lead Tomoka Sanzuo United to pursue the sweeping search to the north will surely keep the Qing army!"
Nojin Daoguan has just arrived and ordered a war staff officer to rush in and report, "When the General Pavilion was just rich, Gang Zhongzuo United searched for the Qing army, a Qing army met with about 500 people. There were fierce battles between the two sides, and the Qing army was retreating northward. Fu Gang Zhongzuo asked if he had been pursuing it."
Nojin Daoguan thundered, "Ga Fugang Sanzao, an idiot, of course, will command the Qing army to annihilate Fugang Sanzao and lead the United team to pursue it quickly! Shanding Moment League teammate An Zhiyuan United immediately supported Tomoka Sanzao’s three-wing-shaped propulsion department to rectify the troops and carry heavy artillery forward. I want to go straight to Kaicheng to wipe out Nie Shicheng’s revenge! "
The chief of staff, Minefield, quickly urged, "You should think twice about the division head cabinet. Now we will lead the main force to approach Kaesong before Commander Yamagata Aritomo’s military orders arrive. If something goes wrong, you will have to court martial."
Nojin Daoguan nu way "needless to say, my fifth division was defeated in Kaicheng World War I, and now it was attacked by the Qing army and suffered heavy losses. Now the Qing army dares to send troops to Wenshan for provocation. It’s too rampant. If I don’t annihilate the Qing army, what face do I have? The War Department has a foothold! There are more than a thousand people in our fifth division. Even if the Qing army wants to eat us, they don’t have such good teeth! I’ve made up my mind to immediately prepare for the battle. Before noon, the army will set out and send an order to send a letter to the Seoul headquarters for report! "
There is no way for the chief of staff, Keita, to execute orders and prepare for war while uniting several army staff to persuade Nojin Daoguan.
Peter said that Tomoka Sanzao’s foot of the mountain happened to meet Xu Huaijin’s department, and the two sides didn’t answer when they met. As a result, they fought fiercely for half an hour, and Xu Huaijin’s troops slowly retreated and continued to tease Tomoka Sanzao, who led a brigade of more than 1,000 people and belonged to the United Front, and quickly moved closer to himself. As time went on, Tomoka Sanzao had married more than 2,000 people and constantly urged soldiers to advance and bite Xu Huaijin’s deputy battalion.
Xu Huaijin really didn’t expect the other party to really chase after him. Look at the strength of as many as 2,000 people, and dare not continue to fight and accelerate the withdrawal.
Tomokada Sanzo was chasing along the main road at a high speed. A cannon sounded in the right mountain forest, and then more than ten shells fell and suddenly blossomed among the big group.
The Japanese army is carrying out a secret marching force method, and a dozen shells bloom in the center. At the moment, dozens of Japanese troops are bombed and many others are injured.
Tomokada Sanzao was frightened to disgrace, and he fell into a crouch!
Chapter seventy-six Anger Yejin Daoguan
Tomokada Sanzao never dreamed that the Qing army was ambushed in the mountains on one side of the road, and was caught off guard by waiting for the Cang Lang Brigade to be beaten in a mortar. Before Tomokada Sanzao could react, Cang Lang threw out hundreds of grenades. The lethality of grenades was undoubtedly very severe. The Japanese army suffered heavy casualties at one time. By the time the Japanese army arranged its defensive formation and attacked the mountains, Cang Lang had already disappeared.
Tomokada Sanzao shouted angrily, "Go forward and continue to pursue and report to the division head, saying that there is no one in the Qing army, and there is another lurking in the mountains of the Qing army. Our army has suffered no attack, so please ask the division head to make a decision."
Wenshan Nojin Dojo has just been persuaded by Minefield Sukeyoshi and others to prepare to cancel the order and wait for Yamagata Aritomo’s military orders. At this time, he went to pursue Tomoka Sanzo and sent a messenger back. He reported to Nojin Dojo that Tomoka Sanzo’s pursuit road was attacked by unidentified troops, and two or three hundred people were killed or injured. Tomoka Sanzo was reorganizing his troops to continue the pursuit.
Just calm down, Nojin Daoguan was furious and scolded, "Tomoka Sanzao is a waste, and his own territory has been ambushed by the Qing army. Idiot, let the army set out. We must wipe out the Qing army!"
Minefield help quickly urged "division head cabinet think twice. After noon, I believe that the military orders of mountain county commanders are here. Let’s wait a moment. Don’t be impatient …"
"Ga!" Nojin Daoguan thundered, "The Qing army would have withdrawn from Kaesong by the time Jun Jun of Shanxian County ordered the pursuit. By then, the cucumber vegetables will be cold, so the army must intercept this Qing army and encircle it!"
Furious Nojin Dojo lost his reason, and the whole Fifth Division was put into operation. Only one of the six regiments of the army was left behind, and the rest was ready to March in the direction of Kaicheng.
Yamagata Aritomo, the headquarters of Yamagata Aritomo, received a report from the Nojin Dojo that the fifth division was attacked by artillery of the Qing army, and the trench was seriously damaged. At the same time, dozens of Japanese officers were lurking in the Qing army for assassination, and many others were injured. The Nojin Dojo has made the army chase the Qing army in an attempt to eat the attacking Qing army in one breath.
Yamagata Aritomo was shocked as far away as Seoul. He received the grand report in the middle of the night. The fifth division suffered an attack from the Qing army. The details were not sorted out at the moment. Now, seeing this grand report, the soldiers told Yamagata Aritomo that his calm face finally changed.
Chasing the Qing army? How many Qing troops did Nojin Daoguan, a stupid egg, attack? What kind of weapons does the carrier have in front of the Qing army? If he doesn’t know everything, he dares to lead the main force of a division to rush in. What if he is ambushed? It’s reckless. This crazy guy doesn’t consider the consequences when he gets hot.
Yamagata Aritomo shouted, "The staff officer immediately rushed to Wenshan by fast horse. I ordered the Nojin Daoguan to stand by and wait for the headquarters to unify the attack order. If you disobey the military law!"
A staff officer promised to turn around and go out to get the order.
Yamagata Aritomo felt nervous in three days, and in three days, more than 7,000 people from the main part of the third division will arrive in Incheon. By then, Kaesong, the superior force of the pincer offensive, will be absolutely unable to withstand the fact that Nojin Dojo will attack alone now, and once the battlefield changes, it will be hard to design a strategy to implement the law.
However, Nojin Dojo is a meritorious leader in the Japanese Army. He has the oldest qualifications and the hottest temper. Few people can make this group of fierce horses turn to their own orders to be furious. There is no certainty about how much Nojin Dojo can be executed there.
Yamagata Aritomo then reached the second order, "Order Li Jian Shang Wen to prepare for the battle and lead the tenth brigade to move closer to the fifth division. The fifth division echoes from afar. Once the fifth division has difficulty, it will immediately support and cover the withdrawal of the fifth division!"
Li Jian Shang Wen nodded from his seat and said, "Hey!"
Li Jian Shang Wen is Yamagata Aritomo’s most confident belly expert, the tenth brigade, and the elite division of the Japanese War. Yamagata Aritomo looked at Li Jian Shang Wen to prepare for it and breathed a sigh of relief. I hope that guy in Yejin Dojo still retains a little sobriety, but there are nearly 20,000 Qing troops in Kaesong. If you set a trap to wrap the Yejin Dojo in, it would be in trouble.
Yamagata Aritomo was worried that he was unfortunately right. In Kaicheng, Nie Shicheng had already called people to prepare for the war.
Zhang Yi gestured before the military map with a wooden stick in his hand.
Zhang Yi said, "Your Excellency, the Fifth Division of the Nojin Dojo has been successfully led out by us, and it is moving rapidly in the direction of Kaesong. Cang Lang Deputy Zhongying has already lit up the internal heat of the Fifth Division, and now it is getting closer and closer to my direction of Kaesong. The Governor has analyzed and recognized that in the rage, relying on the elite of the Fifth Division, the Nojin Dojo will inevitably catch up with the Fifth Division of Kaesong, totaling more than 9,000 people. Now the Nojin Dojo has dispatched 1,000 people, and our army has the ability to gather and annihilate the encirclement."
"Surrounded? Where is the ambush? That’s more than a thousand people. Can we eat? What should I do if Japanese reinforcements arrive? " Fengsheng A was a little nervous when he heard that the war was coming. It was a large-scale war of tens of thousands of troops. He had never experienced such a large-scale war since he unified the army. He asked eagerly
Zuo Baogui, Ma Yukun and others also set their sights on Zhang Yi, the general staff of the army.
Zhang Yi took a deep breath and replied, "It’s our only chance to defend Kaesong by luring the Fifth Division out of Seoul. Only by successfully annihilating part of the Japanese main force can we win. We hope that Kaesong is not far from Seoul, which is only a hundred miles away. If we March in a hurry, we can finish it in one day and one night. There is not much left for us to annihilate the Fifth Division. Moreover, we need to send a main force to stop the enemy reinforcements. This is the key to encircle the Fifth Division."
"I suggest that we put the ambush site here-Songaksan Mountain!" Zhang Yi’s fist smashed the location of Songaksan Mountain on the military map.
Chapter seventy-seven Hot-blooded Zuo Baogui
Songaksan Mountain!’