
| 杜仲功效及作用图解 |
| 【性味归经】 |
| – 味甘、微辛 |
| – 性温 |
| – 归肝、肾经 |
| 【主要功效】 |
| – 补益肝肾:适用于肝肾阴虚、腰膝酸软等症 |
| – 强筋壮骨:用于治疗腰脊酸疼、足膝痿弱等 |
| – 降血压:适用于高血压患者 |
| – 安胎:用于孕妇胎动不安、习惯性流产等 |
| – 利尿清热:有助于清热解毒、利水消肿 |
| – 兴奋中枢神经:提高免疫力、增强体力 |
| 【适应症】 |


| – 肾阳虚引起的腰腿痛或酸软无力 |
| – 肝气虚引起的胞胎不固、阴囊湿痒等 |
| – 高血压、高血脂、心脑血管疾病 |
| – 小儿麻痹后遗症患者、肾气不足者 |
| 【食用方法】 |
| – 杜仲茶:取杜仲5-15克,用85度开水冲泡 |
| – 杜仲炖猪腰:猪腰与杜仲同炖,用于腰膝酸软等 |
| – 杜仲泡酒:杜仲与白酒同泡,用于强身健体 |
| 【注意事项】 |
| – 阴虚火旺者慎服 |


| – 肾虚火炽者不宜用 |
| – 内热、精血燥者禁用 |



1. **补充营养**:木瓜鸡脚花生汤含有多种微量元素和维生素,如蛋白质、胶原蛋白、钙、磷、铁等,这些都是人体必需的营养成分,能够有效补充人体所需的营养,增强免疫力和抵抗力。

2. **强筋壮骨**:鸡脚富含胶原蛋白,有助于促进钙质的吸收,从而强化骨骼和筋骨,对改善筋骨疼痛、下肢酸软等有积极作用,尤其适合需要补钙的人群。

3. **补脾健胃**:花生和鸡脚都有补脾健胃的作用,对于因脾胃虚弱引起的食欲不振、消化不良等症状有良好的调理效果。


4. **美容养颜**:木瓜含有多种氨基酸和维生素,具有滋养皮肤的效果,长期饮用有助于使皮肤光滑细腻,从而达到美容养颜的目的。

5. **润肤**:花生油性味甘平,具有润肠通便的效果,对皮肤干燥的人有很好的改善作用。

6. **滋补身体**:对于脾胃虚弱或体内湿气较重的人,饮用木瓜鸡脚花生汤可以帮助调理身体。

7. **促进乳汁分泌**:产妇在月子期间饮用此汤,可以起到养血催乳、活血止血的作用,有助于乳汁的分泌和子宫的恢复。

8. **辅助调理**:对于消化不良或气血不足的人群,常喝此汤也有一定的辅助调理效果。


9. **增强体力**:在多雨潮湿天气时,饮用木瓜鸡脚花生汤可以提神解疲,增强体力。



1. **助消化**:木瓜中含有丰富的木瓜蛋白酶,有助于蛋白质的分解,对于消化不良、胃溃疡、胃炎、十二指肠溃疡等消化系统疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。


2. **滋阴壮阳**:排骨含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、维生素和磷酸钙、骨胶原、骨粘蛋白等,具有滋阴壮阳、益精补血的功效。

3. **润肠通便**:木瓜具有润肠通便的作用,可以帮助缓解便秘。

4. **美容养颜**:木瓜中的木瓜酵素有助于润滑肌肤,加上维生素C的含量高,对于美容养颜有一定的帮助。

5. **增强免疫力**:木瓜和排骨都含有多种维生素和微量元素,可以增强身体的免疫力。

6. **补充营养**:木瓜排骨汤富含蛋白质、氨基酸、维生素B、C、E、钙、铁等营养素,有助于补充身体所需的多种营养。


7. **丰胸效果**:木瓜中的木瓜酵素能帮助消化蛋白质,促进乳腺发育,对于女性来说,有一定的丰胸效果。

8. **清心润肺**:木瓜排骨汤有助于清心润肺,对于春季过度烤火、过用暖气所致的咽喉疼痛者有缓解作用。

9. **抗癌防癌**:木瓜中的某些成分具有抗癌防癌的作用。

10. **适合各类人群**:木瓜排骨汤味道鲜美,容易消化,适合各类人群食用。



1. **清热解毒,杀菌消炎**:曲曲菜含有丰富的蒲公英甾醇、胆碱等成分,对金黄色葡萄球菌耐药菌株、溶血性链球菌等有较强的杀菌作用,对肺炎双球菌、脑膜炎球菌、白喉杆菌、绿脓杆菌、痢疾杆菌等也有一定的杀伤作用。因此,它对于治疗咽喉炎、细菌性痢疾、感冒发热、慢性气管炎、扁桃体炎等疾病具有一定的疗效。

2. **促进生长发育**:曲曲菜含有维生素C、钙、锌等儿童生长发育中不可缺少的营养成分,能促进儿童骨骼、大脑发育,增强儿童抗病能力,使儿童更加健康。


3. **预防和治疗贫血**:曲曲菜中含有丰富的铁,铁是合成人体血红蛋白和肌红蛋白的原料,对预防和治疗贫血病,维持人体正常的生理活动,促进生长发育有较好的作用。

4. **消暑保健**:曲曲菜中含有丰富的胡萝卜素、维生素C以及钾盐、钙盐等,对于预防和治疗贫血病,维持人体正常的生理活动,促进生长发育和消暑保健有较好的作用。


5. **防治癌症**:曲曲菜水煎剂对急性淋巴型白血病、急慢性粒细胞白血病患者的血细胞脱氧酶有明显的抑制作用,还可用于防治宫颈癌、直肠癌、肛门癌症。

6. **预防血液病**:曲曲菜除了能提供多种氨基酸和微量元素以外,还能抑制癌细胞的生成,特别是对淋巴细胞性白血病,预防作用明显。

7. **凉血解毒**:曲曲菜的凉血解毒作用,可以治疗咽喉肿痛、肠炎以及痔疮等常见疾病。



1. **清热解毒**:新癀片具有清热解毒的功效,能够清除体内的热毒,适用于各种热病、热毒所致的病症,如感冒发热、咽喉肿痛、痈疮肿毒等。


2. **消炎止痛**:新癀片具有显著的消炎止痛作用,适用于治疗关节炎、风湿病、肌肉酸痛、跌打损伤等病症。


3. **活血化瘀**:新癀片能够活血化瘀,适用于治疗因瘀血引起的病症,如痛经、闭经、瘀血性头痛、皮肤瘀斑等。

4. **调节免疫**:新癀片具有一定的调节免疫功能,有助于增强机体抵抗力,预防感冒等疾病。

5. **保护心血管**:新癀片对心血管系统有一定的保护作用,可以降低血脂、抗血小板聚集,对高血压、冠心病等心血管疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **抗肿瘤作用**:部分研究表明,新癀片具有一定的抗肿瘤作用,对某些肿瘤细胞有抑制作用。

1. 服药期间应避免食用辛辣、油腻食物,保持饮食清淡。
2. 新癀片具有一定的刺激性,孕妇、哺乳期妇女、过敏体质者及儿童应在医生指导下使用。
3. 服用新癀片期间,如出现皮疹、瘙痒等过敏反应,应立即停药并咨询医生。


4. 新癀片与某些药物可能存在相互作用,如正在服用其他药物,请在医生指导下使用。



1. **营养价值丰富**:扫帚菜富含维生素、氨基酸、蛋白质、胡萝卜素以及多种微量元素,这些营养成分对于维持人体健康至关重要。

2. **清肝解火**:扫帚菜具有清肝解火的功效,对于经常上火的现代人来说,食用扫帚菜可以起到一定的缓解作用。


3. **利尿通淋**:扫帚菜具有利尿通淋的效果,对于尿路感染、尿频等问题有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. **促进消化**:扫帚菜中含有的营养物质可以促进胃肠蠕动,有助于开胃醒脾,调和中焦,对于消化不良有一定的改善作用。


5. **美容养颜**:扫帚菜中的胡萝卜素和其他抗氧化物质有助于保护皮肤,预防衰老,对美容养颜有一定的帮助。

6. **增强免疫力**:扫帚菜中的营养成分有助于增强人体的免疫力,提高身体抵抗力。

7. **药用价值**:在中医中,扫帚菜被认为具有清热解毒、利尿消肿等功效,可用于治疗皮肤疾病、风湿性关节炎等。

8. **预防癫痫**:现代研究表明,香菜中含有的长链脂肪醛(E)-2-十二烯醛可以降低细胞兴奋性,预防癫痫发作。

9. **保护肾脏**:香菜煮水喝有助于通过尿液的形式排出肾脏所积累的盐和毒素,帮助肾脏减轻部分负担。



1. **补水保湿**:
– 悦诗风吟的绿茶系列和石榴系列产品都是以其卓越的补水保湿效果受到欢迎的。绿茶系列中的绿茶成分能有效地调节肌肤的水油平衡,深层渗透肌肤,形成水润屏障,打造出水感的透润肌肤。石榴系列则通过生石榴汁和烟酰胺成分,促进肌肤吸收,改善外部压力和肌肤老化引起的水分流失问题。

2. **控油**:


– 针对油性皮肤,悦诗风吟的绿茶系列中的绿茶成分能够有效控制脸部油脂分泌,达到控油保湿的效果。

3. **抗老化**:


– 悦诗风吟推出的“007修护精华”针对熬夜肌,含有凝时酵活成分Reset concentrate,能够减少胶原蛋白的降解,密集滋养肌肤,改善松弛肌肤状况,赋予肌肤年轻活力。

4. **抗氧化**:


– 石榴水乳等含有高浓度石榴萃取物的产品,可以有效清除肌肤浊质,抵抗外界氧化,保持肌肤健康。

5. **敏感肌肤适用**:
– 悦诗风吟的许多产品如水嫩小绿瓶,不含酒精和12大致敏成分,适合敏感肌肤使用,强化肌肤屏障。

6. **绿色环保理念**:
– 悦诗风吟致力于环保和可持续发展,其产品包装采用可回收和可重复利用的材料,减少塑料使用。


It is indeed possible for a powerful immortal to break through in adversity, but such a breakthrough is not immediate, and it will take a long time to stabilize the new realm, otherwise the burning source is equal to killing.

Even if he broke through the shackles of Jin Xian, he could reach the realm of pick Jin Xian, but he didn’t have a chance to grow up in such an environment, and he would still be broken by Leitian and fall back to the realm of false immortals.
Leitian melted the dust from the Yuan God’s beads into the wind and slowly flew to Jin Ao Island. His gods were also looking for the source of Lu Jinxian in the weak mine beads.
If we can take Jin Xianyuan away, we will strip Xuan Nv’s occult arts from it for nine days this time.
It’s impossible for Leitian to preach behind closed doors. He doesn’t have master’s cultivation experience, or he is trying to make a patchwork of things. It sounds that his realm is stable, but it’s very difficult to ascend. These nine days, Xuan Nv’s occult skills are quite advanced, and he can truly understand the true solution of Ziwei Emperor Ziwei Fumo, which is of great help to Leitian Jin Xian.
Leitian doesn’t covet the magic weapon of Lu Xianqi, but he covets Lu Gongfa.
Even if Xiao Yu Luo Xiu advised him to hand, he wouldn’t stop. What’s worse, both women tried to kill them.
If people are really lucky, today is the worst day in Shandong. It was just a passing by and sent to the island, and it happened to fall into the encirclement of three monster beasts. This chance will not happen again even if it is repeated for 100 million times in Leitian.
If this happens once, it will harm Lu and Jin Xianxiu, and it will go up in smoke.
Leitian, you let me go. It’s not easy for me to be a minister in your Jin Xianxiu. If I come back, I will definitely fall in this big robbery. Please, I will give you nine days. Xuan Nv will keep the treasure, practice the technique and return my wealth. You will keep my realm. I would like you to do something together with Qingmen.
Oh, everything including going to heaven to fight? For the sake of white, this Lu suddenly realized that if he didn’t play tricks much, he asked very directly
Of course, if you don’t send me to the battlefield where I will die, it will be my bad life if I encounter danger. I am willing to fight in heaven
Hehe, it’s not necessary. There will always be a little conflict between me and Qingmen Heaven. If you join Qingmen, you will be a guardian brother, and your hand will have already fled. I can accept your condition and bring you something. But if you want to sign a contract, you will still brand me in Xianlingyuan. Who told you to fool me? I really don’t trust this group of true fairies. If they are alone, they will not be hunted by you at will.
That Lunai has no legacy to rely on. Once he is beaten by Leitian and falls into the realm of false immortals, he will know that he still wants to beg for mercy and is willing to give everything when he sees Leitian not killing him.
Leitian’s request was not unexpected. He deprived him of all his wealth, branded him at the source and completely controlled him.
No reason is better than no life.
Lu simply lost all his equipment and then put Jin Xianyuan in the air for six times, which has left a strange brand on his Jin Xianyuan. This brand is not controlled by the Leitian fairy, but an ofuda species.
However, this kind of ofuda is much more terrible than the ordinary brand, and Nalu can be scored into the Six Roads at any time with a thought and a move.
Lu was frustrated and came to himself. This time, he had an adventure, but he didn’t return the eternal star grass. Who knew that greed made him die?
Leitian Lu put a Lei Guang into the weak mine bead and scattered the weak water. That Lu also tried to resist the scattered weak water. Only at this time did he know that Leitian really controlled the weak mine bead completely.
Leitian inspected Lu’s two pieces of equipment, and returned all the sacrificial symbols of fairy jade to Lu, but returned some Dan medicine to Xianbing. Finally, Leitian set his eyes on a black jade slip.
Lu didn’t expect Leitian to give him back two pieces of equipment. A lot of fairy jade Leitian didn’t move. His heart was secretly relieved and it was impossible to defect when he was branded in the source.
Now Leitian can command his roots at will, and he doesn’t have to feed like an elder in the door.
See leitian attitude should not intend to when he is cannon fodder Yu Xianbing that leitian haven’t got nine days Xuan Nv hermetic is obviously to be detained for a while.
However, Bai Qikou said, we’ll go to Xuan Nv for nine days to keep the treasure, and you’ll only be in Jinxian realm. I’m sure that something can’t be taken. I’ll go there and wait for me to practice Xuan Nv’s occult arts for nine days before you build Xianbing. Now I don’t have much to consume.
I made a fairy soldier, Lu Leng
Leitian sneered, "If you want to fight in Qingmen after being a poor scattered fairy soldier, you must have a decent weapon. Do you think which one of us is not a unique fairy soldier?"
Lu shame if he hadn’t taken advantage of his weapon, he wouldn’t have been trapped by leitian weak mine beads. Many fairy wares were also found in the treasure. Although powerful, it is the most unreliable to cooperate with others to escape.
Leitian said that the Yuan God Fazhu wrapped the Lu and flew up in the low place to let Lu lead the way.
In those nine days, the Xuan Nv Chamber of Secrets was still in a famous abyss in the east of the sea, but there was no danger. It was a very bad place for the gas refiner to be calm and calm. At first, Lu was chased and fled there, and he accidentally got the treasure of Xuan Nv for nine days before he had a chance to achieve Jin Xian.
Seeing Leitian Leidun technique in an instant, Wan Li Lu knew that he was not unlucky, but that he had met the wizard Leitian, who had never met in ten thousand years. At this speed, he could not be chased by Jin Xian in Kyushu, and he had to pick Jin Xian to trap Leitian under special circumstances.
In an instant, I came to the edge of the abyss of fame, where the vitality of heaven and earth is very strong, and I almost want to catch up with the middle of the blessed land.
Just inside, Lu pointed to the dark blue sea, and the dark blue edge was dark sea water.
But a few feet apart, the vitality of heaven and earth is already so thin that it is almost imperceptible

After all, Yang Xiu waved his hand to show that he didn’t want others to notice that the two men deliberately let each other do so.

Zhuang Shangnong banned the new house and then went to Yang Xiu and took out a bag and said to Yang Xiu, "There are twelve kinds of materials purchased during this period, which cost nearly two million lingshi."
Yang Xiu’s knowledge swept away the bag and saw that most of them were materials for refining the "female trapped animal circle" in the future, and there was even one thing for refining the "Du E then" medicinal material, which could not help but nod with satisfaction.
He usually connects with the other party, so he already knows what the other party has exchanged. Today, he just came here to collect the materials that have been bought enough, and then handed them over to Zhuang Shangnong for sale.
After handing over some unwanted materials to the other party, he didn’t stay long, so he immediately came out of the wine shop, pretended to stroll around and returned to the place where he escaped from the A stream. They will rest here these days.
Entering the courtyard, the gods can’t help but move. He has nearly a dozen more monks in the hall now.
The monks inside also felt Yang Xiu at the same time. When he entered the room, all the monks couldn’t help looking up.
See inside in addition to Nanling school and escape a stream of monks also more than six men and four women, a total of ten catties little strange monks.
These monks also have graceful men and gentle women in the later period of Jiedan, but their bodies are faintly exposed and surging, and their strong spiritual strength makes everyone dare not underestimate them.
These monks can’t see through Yang Xiu’s face and can’t help but feel that he is relieved after repairing it.
Seeing one of the graceful female monks in her thirties, she immediately got up and smiled and went to Yang Xiu. "Presumably, this Taoist friend just went out with Brother Yang before we heard that Brother Jia remembered you!"
This is the backyard of the escape stream. Obviously, people who can come in will not be outsiders, but will come here, not to mention the monk’s identity, which is why this woman dares to say so.
May see Yang Xiu doubt a Ding Yi immediately got up as he said, "Come on, Yang Laodi, I’ll introduce you to them. These are all" Yangxintang Daoyou just left your front foot and they arrived. "
Hitman, the first watch)
Chapter two hundred and fifty-one Advanced at sea
Fairy wild Chapter two hundred and fifty-one Advanced sea
The sects of Jixin Hall are very similar to Dandingmen. They are all ancient Dan medicines.
As a result, these two sects, like Nanling Sect and Jianmen Sect, are at odds and stumble from time to time.
However, because there is no fuse like Huilongmiao Lingkuang, the two factions have not had any large-scale conflicts.
Yang Xiu learned that the sudden appearance of this line of people is a "Yangxintang" monk, and he couldn’t help but burst into a sudden wonder that their men have a gentle temperament and their women have a sense of wisdom and lanxin.
The middle-aged belle named Lin Pei who was introduced and greeted him on his own initiative was actually the person in charge of this group of monks in Yangxintang, which made him sit up and take notice.
It’s not that he despises female monks as female practitioners in the field of cultivation, no matter how many people are trained, they are not as good as men, which is also the reason why it is difficult for high-ranking monks to find female monks of the same rank as partners.
Now the other woman can "master Yangxintang" and there must be something extraordinary about it, which makes Yang Xiu more wary.
When introducing other Yangxintang monks, he could not help but be surprised when he saw one of the young men.
Because of wearing a gauze in the cloud, the man didn’t show any abnormality in the other party, but he still said that he had met a Taoist friend in Xi Ruxie.
Xi Rufeng’s body is a little thin, dressed in black, and his face is ordinary, but the whole expression is very cold and handsome.
Yang Xiu didn’t expect the other party to build the foundation period a hundred years ago, but now it has reached the late stage of knot Dan, and the degree of cultivation is not much slower than him. I don’t know how the other party did it.
This Xi Rufeng is the thin young man who sold ten pieces of "Zhujidan" to Yang Xiu that year! There is no change in the appearance base, so Yang Xiuyi recognized it.
"Seen friends" Yang Xiu did not discover the calm reply.
But in my heart, I’m curious about this monk whose cultivation degree is not weaker than his. Has the other side also made any panacea?
At the same time, Xi Rufeng was able to take out ten pieces of Zhujidan, and some things were clear and confused.
It’s not unusual to know that it’s because the other person is from Yangxintang that he can take out Zhujidan.
The question is, how did he get the deal sent by Nanling instead of his own sect? After all, no one will believe that Yangxintang has so many foundation pills that it is not lacking in every practice period!
After introducing each other, the three parties chatted together for half a night, all of which revolved around this submarine fairy house light project, and how to match it in the future would be good.
After five days, Dacheng Sword Sect and Brother Qingyang Palace also arrived one after another.
The monks in Qingyang Palace are all dressed up in a unified way, holding white dust.
Leading the team is a Taoist named Yunlong Daochang, a white-browed old man with a knot. In the later period of Dan’s life, he tried to remove dust.
The monks of Dacheng Sword Sect are all wearing a narrow sword behind a white coat. Both male and female monks look cold and full of killing gas.
It is said that their school has some origins with Delong Sword School, and their achievement methods are similar, so they are all swordsmanship, but their reputation is much worse than Delong Sword School.
It is because in the past hundred years, the Delong Sword School has no longer been born and cultivated behind closed doors. Therefore, the Dacheng Sword School has made a great leap compared with its arrival, and its name has gradually emerged in the field of repairing truth, which is three points more powerful than the Nanling School.
The leader of their school turned out to be a lame old man named File, which is called Shadow Sword in the fix-up circle.
This man is not only lame, but also three feet tall with a head that looks like a sore and a pimple. It looks a little hairy, but no one shows it.
After all the monks are here, there will be no delay in Lin ‘an City, and they will run away directly in the direction of "leaving the South Island".
South Island is the closest island to other islands, and most people board ships from here when they go to sea.
And factions all ready to ship also docked there.
It is not small from the South Island, and the coastline is long.
Because of the aura of the island, there are generally no monks here, but some scattered stars are scattered here to practice.
There are many Danes living on the island, mainly relying on the sea.
Because monks usually go through a lot from now on, people on the island don’t know as much about fix the true as they do in other places, and they are not too surprised that Yang Xiu and others fly from the sky.
All the ships stopped at a reef. The ship was small, but it was brand-new. It should have been made by sects.
Guarding the boat is an old man in the foundation period, with gray head and rickety figure.
He saw so many knot Dan period monk shape couldn’t help more appear rickety some stiff hurriedly to greet the people ready and way.
"I’ve seen the sailors who are in charge of driving the seagoing ships for your predecessors and junior Fu Ancheng, and they are already ready."
"I don’t know if I plan to ship immediately or need to prepare a plane." Fu Ancheng asked again
Because Yangxintang is the closest to the South Island, they are responsible for building the seagoing ship, and Fu ‘ancheng is also the brother of Yangxintang.
After listening to what he said, Lin Pei of Yangxintang took a sip.
Shut all flew into the cabin together.
The ship is not big, so each monk’s room is not spacious, but fortunately, the monks have to meditate, so there is no need to pay attention to it
Finding their own rooms, everyone has no activity, so they practice and strive for the best state to face the upcoming competition.

Three heads, six arms, and six golden bodies still haven’t been eliminated. Sun Hao’s hands are full of fighting days, and the stick hovers around, and the stars move to reflect back the great warrior’s stab and the blade.

The hammer smashed into a dragon, and the fierce sword cut into another dragon.
The battle was fierce, but compared with the time when helping Jiang Zu refine, Sun Haoxian’s fighting state was weaker than one line. It was not his own side, and there was no need to contribute to the Lotus Throne.
Besides, Sun Hao is still thinking about border grazing, and it is more appropriate to consider who to recognize the main refining undead crown.
At this time, it is good to hold on to yourself and maintain your strength.
It’s a mess around the crown of death
Immortal Dragon Zu stopped Zhan Zu, slightly occupied the wind and forced him to retreat from Zhan Zu so that he could not get close.
Another dragon stopped Gu Zu pike.
The two great Lichs, the stiff ancestor and the blood ancestor, but no one intercepted them head-on, and there were really great warriors desperately.
He is not weak, but he is equal to his bodhi old zu, so it is impossible to stop him at all.
Poop, poop, poop … A series of poison gas bombs hit the great god of death. Just after refining, a lotus flower, the great god of death, couldn’t sit still. The lotus throne was directly popped up by poison gas bombs. The second refining didn’t last long and failed.
The great god of death gave a long whistle, shaking slightly with his hands holding the sickle.
Although I knew this would be the result, the heart of the great god of death who was driven out of the lotus throne so quickly was also full of unwillingness
Another bodhi old zu refining failure
The scene was calm for a short time, and it didn’t take long to change the camp, that is, the big lich camp, to try to launch suddenly.
Two great lich kept shaking in Pharaoh’s staff, and countless gas bombs rushed out of Pharaoh’s staff like water drops, attacking the bodhi old zu around them in all directions.
Blood ancestors took the opportunity to turn a little bat into a lotus throne for refining.
The immortal Dragon Ancestor also helped the Blood Ancestor to make trouble, and a series of attacks broke out around the monks.
To say that the undead dragon ancestors and the lich camp may be the most promising camp to refine the undead crown.
Because the total number of their monks reached seven, which exceeded the sum of the ancestors of his camp at the scene.
After the blood ancestors left, the hostile side, that is, the soul ancestors camp, the death camp and the war ancestors, totaled only six monks.
Just one-on-one interception
That’s what it’s said. After the war, the great witches regretted to find that their ancestors had become inseparable.
The only blood ancestor among the nine protoss bodhi old zu has a dispute with Sun Hao, has a holiday or is at enmity, and can’t let the blood ancestor finish refining.
Sun Hao broke two dragons and intercepted a broken hammer to knock out a lotus blood ancestor who had just finished refining.
The third refining still failed.
The battle fell into a long-term fighting cycle when everyone attacked each other.
Anyone can go, but no one can stay long.
The grandfathers in Sun Hao’s camp also played a trick, but they failed to hold on to half a cup of tea. Just after refining, the four-petal lotus was swept away by the dragon’s tail.
This is the longest time I have stayed on the sidelines since the bodhi old zu fought for it.
Immortal Dragon Ancestors miss Sun Hao’s team, which is the reason why Immortal Crown Final Method completes refining roots.
Sun Hao has the strongest team but the most opponents.
When Gu Zu and Jiang Zu go to Sun Haoma, they will face siege, and it is still the kind of siege in succession. Sun Hao’s strength is indeed high and he can keep it for a long time, but the bodhi old zu’s means are endless, and they have not given the rigid zu and Gu Zu a chance to persist.
For Sun Haozun, refining is even worse, and the roots of bones and stiff ancestors can’t stop the flood of attacks from each other.
Sun Hao went to sit for less than three breaths, and he was caught up in the fire. Of course, Sun Hao also went to do something to show that he hoped to refine the immortal crown as much as his bodhi old zu.
Actually, Sun Hao has a strong fighting power even if he is sitting on the Lotus Throne, and he will not be so easy to get here.
Sun Hao just can’t refine.
The core area of the Red Moon Altar is in chaos.
Thirteen bodhi old zu have tried their fighting power, but the results are almost the same, and no one can last long.
Immortal Dragon Zu also wants to give it a try, but after seeing the purple-gold sledgehammer in Sun Hao’s hand, he still dismissed this tempting idea. Damn it, Soul Zu likes to greet him with a broken force. Won’t it be a pity once the throne is smashed?
Chapter DiErSanLiu Got the message
Sun Hao has guessed that a big lich is the fastest one.
Andewei also absolutely recognized Corleone.
But Andrew didn’t say that he didn’t say hello to Corleone and didn’t say anything about the situation.