
1. **润肺止咳**:杏仁中含有丰富的苦杏仁苷,这种成分可以缓解呼吸道不适,对咳嗽、喉咙痛等症状有一定的缓解作用。


2. **美容养颜**:杏仁富含维生素E和蛋白质,可以滋养肌肤,使皮肤光滑细腻,对于抗衰老也有一定的帮助。

3. **促进消化**:杏仁中的膳食纤维可以促进肠道蠕动,有助于消化,预防便秘。


4. **降低胆固醇**:杏仁中的植物固醇有助于降低血液中的胆固醇水平,对于心血管健康有益。


5. **改善睡眠**:杏仁中含有一定的色氨酸,这是一种有助于大脑产生褪黑素的氨基酸,有助于改善睡眠质量。

6. **增强免疫力**:杏仁中的营养成分有助于增强身体的免疫力,提高抵抗力。

7. **抗氧化**:杏仁中的抗氧化物质可以清除体内的自由基,减缓细胞老化。

8. **改善情绪**:杏仁中的营养成分有助于调节情绪,减轻压力。



1. **观赏价值**:木香花具有美丽的花朵和优雅的株型,是庭院和园林绿化的理想植物。其花朵色彩丰富,形状独特,能够为环境增添自然美和生机。

2. **香气怡人**:木香花散发的香气清新宜人,有助于净化空气,缓解疲劳,提高心情。这种香味还具有一定的驱蚊效果。

3. **药用价值**:
– **健胃消食**:木香花中的某些成分有助于促进消化液分泌,有助于改善消化不良和胃胀等症状。
– **抗菌消炎**:木香花中的挥发油具有抗菌和抗炎作用,可以用于治疗口腔溃疡、皮肤感染等。
– **缓解疼痛**:木香花具有一定的镇痛作用,可以缓解头痛、神经性疼痛等症状。
– **抗氧化作用**:木香花富含抗氧化物质,可以清除体内的自由基,延缓细胞衰老,对心血管和神经系统有保护作用。

4. **环保作用**:木香花生长旺盛,能够吸附空气中的有害物质,改善空气质量,具有一定的环保价值。


5. **促进生态平衡**:木香花是蜜蜂等昆虫的天然食物来源,有助于促进生态平衡。

6. **文化价值**:在中国传统文化中,木香花象征着美好和幸福,常用于表达对生活的热爱和对美好事物的追求。





1. **补充营养成分**:木瓜含有丰富的蛋白质、水分和碳水化合物,能够补充人体每日所需的营养成分。牛奶中富含蛋白质、矿物质和脂肪,也是人体必需的营养来源。

2. **提高免疫力**:燕窝中含有大量的蛋白质,经常食用可以提高人体的免疫力,预防疾病。

3. **滋阴润肺**:燕窝具有滋阴润肺的功效,对于干燥的气候或身体状况有良好的调节作用。

4. **美容养颜**:木瓜牛奶燕窝能够美容养颜,使皮肤更光滑有弹性,有助于延缓衰老。

5. **健脾消食**:木瓜具有健脾消食的作用,有助于改善消化系统功能。

6. **强健筋骨**:木瓜牛奶燕窝中的营养素有助于强健筋骨,增强身体机能。

7. **促进胎儿发育**:对于孕妇来说,木瓜牛奶燕窝中的营养成分有助于胎儿的健康成长。

8. **预防骨质疏松**:牛奶中含有丰富的钙质,有助于预防骨质疏松。

9. **调节内分泌**:燕窝中的激素和表皮生长因子有助于调节内分泌,改善女性生理状况。

10. **清心润肺**:木瓜牛奶燕窝有助于清心润肺,对于呼吸系统疾病有一定的缓解作用。

11. **去湿化痰**:对于湿气重、痰多的人群,木瓜牛奶燕窝有去湿化痰的功效。


12. **催乳**:对于产后妇女,木瓜牛奶燕窝有助于催乳。




1. **减肥降脂**:普洱茶膏中含有丰富的茶多酚,这些成分能够降低人体胆固醇与甘油三酯,促进脂肪分解,有助于减肥和减少体内多余脂肪。

2. **养颜美容**:普洱茶膏中的茶多酚、茶皂甙和儿茶素等成分,能够调节新陈代谢,促进血液循环,改善肌肤状况,消除色素和色斑,具有美白肌肤的效果。

3. **抗衰老**:普洱茶膏中的儿茶素具有抗衰老的作用,可以防止过度氧化,延缓衰老过程。

4. **抗氧化**:普洱茶膏中茶多酚含量高,是绿茶的4-5倍,具有很强的生物活性,是天然的抗氧化剂和防腐剂。

5. **降血压**:普洱茶膏能够引起血管舒张,降低血压,对高血压患者有良好的治疗作用。

6. **抗动脉硬化**:普洱茶膏中的成分有助于预防动脉硬化,维护心血管健康。

7. **抗癌作用**:普洱茶膏含有多种抗癌微量元素,能够抑制癌细胞,降低癌症发病率。

8. **护胃养胃**:适宜浓度的普洱茶能够养护胃部,对胃部健康有益。

9. **健齿护齿**:普洱茶膏中的生理活性成分具有杀菌消毒作用,能够去除口腔异味,保护牙齿。

10. **解酒醒脑**:普洱茶膏能够刺激胃液分泌,帮助消化,增进食欲,消除口臭,同时还有提神醒脑的效果。

11. **利尿通便**:普洱茶膏有助于利尿,促进肠道循环,预防便秘。

12. **保护视力**:普洱茶膏中的成分有助于维持视力,保护眼睛。




1. **止咳化痰**:龙角散中的桔梗、远志、杏仁等成分能够有效缓解咳嗽和痰多的症状,尤其是针对干咳和痰不易咳出的情况。

2. **治疗感冒**:龙角散对于感冒引起的喉咙肿痛、咳嗽不止有显著的缓解作用,能够帮助减轻感冒症状。

3. **消炎止痛**:其成分中的中草药能够清热解毒,对咽喉炎、喉炎等炎症引起的疼痛有消炎止痛的效果。

4. **润喉**:龙角散能够缓解咽喉干涩、声音嘶哑等不适感,对于经常用嗓或嗓子不适的人群有很好的缓解作用。

5. **适用于多种人群**:由于龙角散成分天然,适合从3岁的小朋友到80岁的老人服用。

6. **方便服用**:龙角散为粉末状,无需冲水,可直接对着患处倒入,入口即化,见效快。


7. **秋冬季适用**:在秋冬季节,温差大时容易引起干咳和痰咳,龙角散对此有很好的缓解效果。

8. **其他辅助作用**:对于抽烟过多导致的喉咙干涩、干咳;用嗓过多时(如唱歌、说话)等,龙角散也能起到一定的缓解作用。




1. **增加国家税收**:烟草税收是国家税收的一部分,抽烟可以增加这部分税收。


2. **保障就业**:烟草行业提供了就业机会,保障了烟厂职工的工作。


3. **增进人际交往**:抽烟有时被看作是社交的一种方式,可以增进人与人之间的关系。
4. **提神醒脑**:一些人认为抽烟有助于提神,减轻疲劳感。
5. **减肥**:有研究表明,抽烟可能通过抑制脑中腺体的分泌来帮助减肥。


6. **增强性功能**:某些人认为抽烟可以提高性功能。
7. **遮盖异味**:抽烟可以遮盖一些不愉快的气味,如厕所的臭味或口臭。
8. **试验烟雾报警器**:烟雾可以测试室内的烟雾报警器是否工作正常。
9. **心理安慰和释放**:抽烟可以作为一种心理安慰,帮助释放压力和情绪。
10. **社交习惯**:在某些文化中,抽烟被视为一种社交习惯或礼节。



### 当归的益处:

1. **补血调经**:当归被誉为“补血圣药”,对于女性月经不调、血虚、面色苍白等症状有很好的调理作用。
2. **活血化瘀**:当归能活血化瘀,对瘀血引起的疼痛、肿胀等有缓解作用。
3. **润肠通便**:当归有助于润肠,对于便秘有一定的改善效果。
4. **抗炎作用**:当归具有一定的抗炎作用,可以用于治疗某些炎症性疾病。


### 黄芪的益处:

1. **补气固表**:黄芪能补气固表,对于气虚乏力、自汗等症状有显著疗效。
2. **增强免疫力**:黄芪富含多种生物活性物质,能增强人体免疫功能。
3. **抗氧化**:黄芪具有抗氧化作用,能清除体内自由基,延缓细胞衰老。
4. **抗肿瘤**:现代研究表明,黄芪对肿瘤细胞的生长和扩散有抑制作用。
5. **改善心脑血管功能**:黄芪有助于降低血压、血脂和血糖,预防心脑血管疾病。

### 当归黄芪结合的益处:

1. **气血双补**:当归和黄芪结合使用,能起到气血双补的效果,对于气血两虚的人群特别有益。
2. **增强免疫力**:两者结合使用,能显著增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力。
3. **抗疲劳**:对于疲劳综合征、体力下降等症状有很好的改善作用。
4. **改善睡眠**:当归和黄芪结合使用,有助于改善睡眠质量,缓解失眠症状。
5. **调理肠胃**:两者能帮助调理肠胃,增强消化吸收功能。

### 注意事项:

– **使用量**:当归和黄芪的使用量应根据个人体质和病情在医生指导下进行。


– **禁忌人群**:阴虚火旺、患有感冒发热、有出血倾向的人群应慎用。
– **配伍禁忌**:使用当归和黄芪时,应注意与其他药物的配伍,避免相互作用。


"Yeah, it’s just that there aren’t many things to do during this period. Let me wash you and go to bed and rest after eating."

Ding Qiunan had just left for a while in the afternoon class when his grandson came over.
Liang Zhu has officially retired from the hospital and is now taking care of students at the school.
Sun Zhu is a doctor in the first two consulting rooms. He is in his fifties this year.
"Dr. Li, our hospital is going to start several family buildings again. Your family is a dual employee. If you want a room then, don’t register." Sun Zhu asked when he entered the door.
It has been two or three years since the news that the hospital is going to build a family building. It seems that construction is really going to start this time.
"What are the conditions, Lord?"
"This time, the hospital will register first and wait for the specific notice later, but your family will definitely take advantage of it when you have two employees."
After registering Li Chu’s name, Sun Zhu left, and he still has to report the list to the logistics department to report the specific housing allocation qualification, and he will definitely not know until the leaders have met to study it.
If you can really get a room, Li Chu is still quite happy that the property in 49 cities should not be white
When children grow up, even if they are worthless, leaving them a few suites is enough for them to eat.
Li Chu didn’t think much about the hospital room. It’s okay to get the best one.
The big deal is to buy more sets of quadrangles with clear production when we can buy and sell them privately later, not to mention that our children and grandchildren will have enough to eat.
The area where they live now will not be demolished in the future.
He also knows that it is unlikely that the hospital can allocate rooms here. Since there are rooms outside, the hospital must first ensure that those who have no rooms will not be allowed to occupy several suites by one person.
Take out the information sent by uncle Shi, and it seems that it is difficult to copy it by yourself.
This thing has to be read in white before it can be translated into broken sentences.
Nothing happened in the afternoon. I didn’t see much of Li Chu in the afternoon. He really didn’t understand how those people used to read.
This is not learning knowledge, it is simply torture.
I read this kind of ancient prose when I was with Master, which made him doubt that he had not graduated from primary school.
This is as obscure as a tool, unlike a story that can be understood according to the text
Alas, it’s a long way to go to finish the whole translation
Chapter one hundred and ninety Cut
It’s Li Chu’s turn to be on duty today.
In the duty room, several Chinese medicine doctors in the health care group sat together and discussed some problems in Chinese medicine.
"There is someone looking for Dr. Li outside Li Chu." There was a cry in the yard.
"Dear predecessors, please chat with me first and go out and have a look." Li Chu heard him get up and said.
"Go go" Fang Lao waved his hand and several of them nodded.
Looking for someone else didn’t come in at the gate of the hospital. After Li Chu went out, he saw the man standing at the door. It was the man who drove Liu Shu with Liu Shu that day, and it also made him feel familiar.
Li Chu looked at the door with some doubts. He really couldn’t remember where he had seen this man.
The man who saw Li Chu come out smiled at him and said, "Xiao Chu looks like you really can’t remember me."
"I’m really sorry. I always think you are very familiar, but I just can’t remember where I met you." Li Chu shook his head and said.
"Let me wake you up, Nanniwan."
This place allows Li Chu to open up the pictures he remembered when he was a child and flash across his mind.
Finally, a young face slowly coincides with the appearance of this person in front of him.
Li Chu stare big eyes looking at his excited voice have some inflection "you are Jiang Chengcheng elder brother".
"Ha ha, I knew you wouldn’t forget me." Jiang Cheng came over and held out his hand and patted Li Chu’s arm hard.
Li Chu stretched out his hand and hugged him directly and slapped him hard on the back before letting go.
"It’s really you, Brother Cheng. How long has it been since we met? When did you come to Sijiucheng? Are you Liu Zhu’s unit class?"
Jiang Cheng also looked at Li Chu excitedly. "Are you going to talk to me here?"
"Oh," Li Chu patted his forehead. "I’m dizzy. Come and sit with Brother Cheng in our room and we’ll talk slowly."
He said, he took Jiang Cheng’s arm into the yard and came to the acupuncture room.
Let Jiang Cheng sit Li Chu and run to the duty room and pour a glass of water.
"Cheng elder brother uncle and aunts? Are they all right? "
After Li Chugang asked, he saw Jiang Cheng with a smile, and his expression quickly became very low.
A bad mood rose in Li Chu’s heart.
Jiang Cheng reluctantly smiled. "When your family went to Beijing, our family went to Nanfang Bureau. My father died in Yangcheng in 52 when the enemy spy was eliminated. My mother became ill after receiving the news and died the next year."
Li Chu closed his eyes. He didn’t know what to say. The aunt who was kind to him in memory left like this.
When I was a child, scenes flashed through my mind like a movie.
Although he didn’t have that experience physically, his original memory made him feel the same, and his heart seemed to keep twitching.
"Well, it’s been so long. I’ve long been used to it. I also saw the deeds of my uncle and aunt in the honor room of my station. Our parents’ generation, they are all heroes, and our children should be proud."
Jiang Cheng comforted Li Chu, and then jokingly said, "Why don’t you ask another person? You won’t forget her, will you?"
"Alas," Li Chu heaved a sigh of relief and opened his eyes again. Looking at Gherardini Jiang Cheng asked, "Where’s Lily? She should be married and have children. "
The little girl with two croissants is so deep in his memory.
Jiang Li Jiang Cheng’s own sister, the three of them and Wang Shujia’s eldest brother and second child grew up together. The deepest memory of the original body is that adults said that Jiang Li was his kannika nimtragol.
He believes that if it weren’t for Jiang Cheng’s family coming to the south, his daughter-in-law would probably be Jiang Li now.
Jiang Cheng nodded and shook his head again. "Lily is married, and it’s true that she has children, but now she’s divorced. When I recovered, I took her and her children over."
"Divorce? What divorce? " Few people will choose to divorce if the day passes these days.
Speaking of this, Jiang Cheng’s face is very calm, and his mouth corners with a strange smile.
Li Chu’s heart is pounding. He knows that Jiang Li’s ex-husband will definitely not have any good games.
"When did you become a soldier?" Li Chu stopped asking about it and asked about himself instead.
"I went to the army not long after my mother died, and I was assigned to this unit after I recovered last year."
After thinking about it, Li Chu asked, "Where do you live now?"
"I haven’t been assigned a room yet. I rent a house. Lily lives with my children."
"You’re not married?" Li Chu felt a little strange that Jiang Cheng was two years older than him.

Strong fighting spirit keeps flowing in Yinpeng’s body.

Even at ordinary times, I don’t like to fight and kill, but I honestly display my sword. Yinpeng ties Xiaoqing also raised his silver sword and shouted "War …"
Yinpeng spread his wings and quarreled with the sky
The fortress suddenly swooped out, and before Yinpeng, the firm but gentle edge suddenly rushed out in front of the fortress.
Strong impact force collided with wild animals coming from violent impact.
Lotus flower and blood rain are flying, and the wild beast in front of the fortress is attacking. Strong shock wave will not scream, so it will turn into a shower of blood and be swayed from a distance.
Silver Dapeng instantly seems to be stained with bursts of blood gas and dissolved in the dark red wilderness, but Dapeng still has a layer of white sword mans and keeps breathing in the blood rain.
The attack surface of the huge wild beast in front of the fortress is like a lake being washed into by rivers, and there is a huge impact. Yinpeng instantly rushed into hundreds of millions of wild beasts.
Tian Xiao and Yun Wu burst into piercing screams.
Hundreds of millions of wild beasts abandoned the siege of the fortress and all kinds of attacks rushed at Yinpeng.
Sun Hao’s eyes changed magically, and at first glance, they were as red as blood, and they burst into murderous look; The other eye is as blue as the sea, calm and wave; And Sun Hao spine is like a golden stick coming up to the golden light.
The three sword potentials are driven at the same time for the first time.
The first adjustment of the five true elements
Sun Hao also wants to see if the explosion of his own strength with the help of Yinpeng sword array can change the fate of the right battalion soldiers.
The agarwood sword is supported by Sun Hao’s department to repair Sun Hao’s head and gently vibrate.
Hundreds of millions of wild beasts swooped down.
Yinpeng body strong firm but gentle silver mans suddenly shrank.
Sun Haoqing lang and calm voice came out from the hundreds of millions of wild beasts. "Brothers, the five elements are in unison, and the sword is moving together with the agarwood …"
Kill, kill, kill, kill
Five killing words in a row
Spit out every word. Friar Yin Peng’s five attributes followed Sun Hao’s binge drinking in turn and also involuntarily roared out a "kill".
And whether their body truth element is refined gas truth element or swordsmen’s attribute sword element is also madly poured into the sword array and introduced into the trembling agarwood sword.
Sun Hao, every time a killing word breaks out,
The agarwood sword is like Sun Hao’s head shaking the blade and fighting with a fierce sword shadow.
Wu ge sha zi exit
Gold, cyan, blue, red, yellow … The core of the five swords, agarwood sword, is fan-shaped and dashed forward.
Five attribute swords
A huge fan-shaped shooting surface was formed, and it was struck forward and slammed out at a very fast speed. The place it passed was like a strong wind blowing fine sand, and hundreds of millions rushed in, and the wild animals melted the fine sand into the air.
Shua shua shua …
Five huge scars appeared in the wilderness where the sword light passed, which looked as fresh as five fan bones.
All wild animals were killed in the direction closest to Yinpeng in front. Once they were far away, they were close to the location of the golden famine, and the wild animals were lucky enough to escape.
The Terran soldiers in the fortress burst into amazing cheers. Although Yinpeng will eventually retreat, the record at this time is very comforting.
Brother Yinpeng’s true yuan blessing agarwood is highly condensed by the three trends. Sun Hao’s body trembled slightly and his face smiled faintly.
I didn’t expect Sun Hao to practice for a long time at this critical moment, and the second stage of double sword bone was finally completely completed.
The three sword potentials, like the three talents of heaven, earth and man, firmly consolidated Sun Hao’s bones.
Sun Haoxian’s explosion will not affect his own bones at all. The only thing that can’t make it possible is the transformation skill, because the bones are still short of the last step of polishing, which is to really cast bones.
However, now that the second step of double sword bone has been completed, Sun Hao can lead more monks to burst into greater strength.
Five swords rushed to the front of the golden famine and killed tens of millions of wild animals, and then they were shot down by the golden famine.
splendid achievements in work
Not afraid of death and famine, the beast offensive is not a slight meal.
Tianyunwu squeal howl burst up.
Wild animals shake their bodies in unison, but instead of advancing, the shortage of sixteen golds is highlighted.
Cloud Wu suddenly shouted at Corleone’s mouth
Sudden change in the wind and cloud
The Sixteen Golden Wastes broke out in unison and rushed at Sun Hao Yinpeng crazily, returning the half-way fireball, silver needle, steel thorn feather … and other characteristic attacks have poured in.
The torrent of hundreds of millions of wild animals behind the Sixteen Golden Shortages rushed in.
It’s like ten rivers rushing to the sea and the ground, like six spears stabbing at Yinpeng, and their leader, Jin Huang, was the first to kill them.
Sixteen gold shortage qi qi launched an amazing momentum.
The huge shock wave seems to have made the fortress tremble, and the ground vibration has made the fortress shine with a large array of light, and the defense cover is big.
The grand marshal shouted, "agarwood can’t fight back hard …"
Chapter DiYiWuWu Samsung hero seven
Yinpeng’s light is shining, and Sun Haoqing’s bright sound comes out from Yinpeng. "What about agarwood’s fear of war, hundreds of millions of wild beasts, and the 16-year golden shortage?" Do you dare to fight? "
The agarwood sword sounds like fighting spirit.
The morale of the various parts of Terran reached its peak instantly, and Yinpeng’s subordinate waved his weapon and shouted at the battle …
Several terran leaders looked at each other.
There is also a deep concern in the blood.
Aquilaria is ready to put all your eggs in one basket!
The grand marshal secretly regretted that if I had known this, I shouldn’t have let Aquilaria lead Yinpeng to rush out. I didn’t expect this small killing to rise and dare to face the powerful impact of the Sixteen Golden Shortages.
Sixteen gold shortages led the army of wild beasts to be extremely fast, and they have rushed over rapidly from sixteen directions.
A large number of ranged attacks attacked Yinpeng.

After all, Yang Xiu waved his hand to show that he didn’t want others to notice that the two men deliberately let each other do so.

Zhuang Shangnong banned the new house and then went to Yang Xiu and took out a bag and said to Yang Xiu, "There are twelve kinds of materials purchased during this period, which cost nearly two million lingshi."
Yang Xiu’s knowledge swept away the bag and saw that most of them were materials for refining the "female trapped animal circle" in the future, and there was even one thing for refining the "Du E then" medicinal material, which could not help but nod with satisfaction.
He usually connects with the other party, so he already knows what the other party has exchanged. Today, he just came here to collect the materials that have been bought enough, and then handed them over to Zhuang Shangnong for sale.
After handing over some unwanted materials to the other party, he didn’t stay long, so he immediately came out of the wine shop, pretended to stroll around and returned to the place where he escaped from the A stream. They will rest here these days.
Entering the courtyard, the gods can’t help but move. He has nearly a dozen more monks in the hall now.
The monks inside also felt Yang Xiu at the same time. When he entered the room, all the monks couldn’t help looking up.
See inside in addition to Nanling school and escape a stream of monks also more than six men and four women, a total of ten catties little strange monks.
These monks also have graceful men and gentle women in the later period of Jiedan, but their bodies are faintly exposed and surging, and their strong spiritual strength makes everyone dare not underestimate them.
These monks can’t see through Yang Xiu’s face and can’t help but feel that he is relieved after repairing it.
Seeing one of the graceful female monks in her thirties, she immediately got up and smiled and went to Yang Xiu. "Presumably, this Taoist friend just went out with Brother Yang before we heard that Brother Jia remembered you!"
This is the backyard of the escape stream. Obviously, people who can come in will not be outsiders, but will come here, not to mention the monk’s identity, which is why this woman dares to say so.
May see Yang Xiu doubt a Ding Yi immediately got up as he said, "Come on, Yang Laodi, I’ll introduce you to them. These are all" Yangxintang Daoyou just left your front foot and they arrived. "
Hitman, the first watch)
Chapter two hundred and fifty-one Advanced at sea
Fairy wild Chapter two hundred and fifty-one Advanced sea
The sects of Jixin Hall are very similar to Dandingmen. They are all ancient Dan medicines.
As a result, these two sects, like Nanling Sect and Jianmen Sect, are at odds and stumble from time to time.
However, because there is no fuse like Huilongmiao Lingkuang, the two factions have not had any large-scale conflicts.
Yang Xiu learned that the sudden appearance of this line of people is a "Yangxintang" monk, and he couldn’t help but burst into a sudden wonder that their men have a gentle temperament and their women have a sense of wisdom and lanxin.
The middle-aged belle named Lin Pei who was introduced and greeted him on his own initiative was actually the person in charge of this group of monks in Yangxintang, which made him sit up and take notice.
It’s not that he despises female monks as female practitioners in the field of cultivation, no matter how many people are trained, they are not as good as men, which is also the reason why it is difficult for high-ranking monks to find female monks of the same rank as partners.
Now the other woman can "master Yangxintang" and there must be something extraordinary about it, which makes Yang Xiu more wary.
When introducing other Yangxintang monks, he could not help but be surprised when he saw one of the young men.
Because of wearing a gauze in the cloud, the man didn’t show any abnormality in the other party, but he still said that he had met a Taoist friend in Xi Ruxie.
Xi Rufeng’s body is a little thin, dressed in black, and his face is ordinary, but the whole expression is very cold and handsome.
Yang Xiu didn’t expect the other party to build the foundation period a hundred years ago, but now it has reached the late stage of knot Dan, and the degree of cultivation is not much slower than him. I don’t know how the other party did it.
This Xi Rufeng is the thin young man who sold ten pieces of "Zhujidan" to Yang Xiu that year! There is no change in the appearance base, so Yang Xiuyi recognized it.
"Seen friends" Yang Xiu did not discover the calm reply.
But in my heart, I’m curious about this monk whose cultivation degree is not weaker than his. Has the other side also made any panacea?
At the same time, Xi Rufeng was able to take out ten pieces of Zhujidan, and some things were clear and confused.
It’s not unusual to know that it’s because the other person is from Yangxintang that he can take out Zhujidan.
The question is, how did he get the deal sent by Nanling instead of his own sect? After all, no one will believe that Yangxintang has so many foundation pills that it is not lacking in every practice period!
After introducing each other, the three parties chatted together for half a night, all of which revolved around this submarine fairy house light project, and how to match it in the future would be good.
After five days, Dacheng Sword Sect and Brother Qingyang Palace also arrived one after another.
The monks in Qingyang Palace are all dressed up in a unified way, holding white dust.
Leading the team is a Taoist named Yunlong Daochang, a white-browed old man with a knot. In the later period of Dan’s life, he tried to remove dust.
The monks of Dacheng Sword Sect are all wearing a narrow sword behind a white coat. Both male and female monks look cold and full of killing gas.
It is said that their school has some origins with Delong Sword School, and their achievement methods are similar, so they are all swordsmanship, but their reputation is much worse than Delong Sword School.
It is because in the past hundred years, the Delong Sword School has no longer been born and cultivated behind closed doors. Therefore, the Dacheng Sword School has made a great leap compared with its arrival, and its name has gradually emerged in the field of repairing truth, which is three points more powerful than the Nanling School.
The leader of their school turned out to be a lame old man named File, which is called Shadow Sword in the fix-up circle.
This man is not only lame, but also three feet tall with a head that looks like a sore and a pimple. It looks a little hairy, but no one shows it.
After all the monks are here, there will be no delay in Lin ‘an City, and they will run away directly in the direction of "leaving the South Island".
South Island is the closest island to other islands, and most people board ships from here when they go to sea.
And factions all ready to ship also docked there.
It is not small from the South Island, and the coastline is long.
Because of the aura of the island, there are generally no monks here, but some scattered stars are scattered here to practice.
There are many Danes living on the island, mainly relying on the sea.
Because monks usually go through a lot from now on, people on the island don’t know as much about fix the true as they do in other places, and they are not too surprised that Yang Xiu and others fly from the sky.
All the ships stopped at a reef. The ship was small, but it was brand-new. It should have been made by sects.
Guarding the boat is an old man in the foundation period, with gray head and rickety figure.
He saw so many knot Dan period monk shape couldn’t help more appear rickety some stiff hurriedly to greet the people ready and way.
"I’ve seen the sailors who are in charge of driving the seagoing ships for your predecessors and junior Fu Ancheng, and they are already ready."
"I don’t know if I plan to ship immediately or need to prepare a plane." Fu Ancheng asked again
Because Yangxintang is the closest to the South Island, they are responsible for building the seagoing ship, and Fu ‘ancheng is also the brother of Yangxintang.
After listening to what he said, Lin Pei of Yangxintang took a sip.
Shut all flew into the cabin together.
The ship is not big, so each monk’s room is not spacious, but fortunately, the monks have to meditate, so there is no need to pay attention to it
Finding their own rooms, everyone has no activity, so they practice and strive for the best state to face the upcoming competition.